Becoming a better leader in times of crisis

Personal leadership during this time of crisis might mean staying connected while working from home, collaborating with colleagues when dealing with new challenges or showing courage to take on more responsibility.

Chirag Ghelani

According to leadership expert, John C. Maxwell: A leader is one who knows the way (has a clear vision and sense of direction), goes the way (leads by example), and shows the way (takes others on the journey).

In a world that is increasingly complex and rapidly changing, it is clear that every organisation needs capable leaders.

Leadership is not about a role, title or position in an organisation – it is about one’s influence, ability and mindset – we call these the I-AM leadership pillars.

Behavioural science shows that our mindset and belief system will often determine our behaviour and levels of performance.  This is true in relation to both our personal and professional lives. Whatever we choose to put after the words “I AM” can define us and start to really shape our reality.  

How we think, how we feel and even how we talk to ourselves, will ultimately impact how we act.  If we don’t think we are leaders, we will not act like leaders and thus will fail to exhibit our true potential at work.  

At Lotus Leadership, we want people at all levels of an organisation to start thinking “I AM a leader”, for the simple reason that they are leaders - we all are.  Everyone is a leader and everyone has the potential to transform and flourish into a better leader.  Whether someone is still early in their career, a new manager or operating at executive level, stronger and more conscious leadership will lead to greater success for the individual, the teams they work in and ultimately the business.  

So what makes a good leader?

Well, leadership means different things to different people at different times.  If you ask someone to name a leader they admire, they might mention the captain of their favourite sports team, a popular philanthropic activist, a famous politician or an innovative entrepreneur.  

For me, strong leadership is about having a clear vision and being able to inspire, engage and empower others to help deliver that vision. That requires more than just management skills – it requires leadership competency.

A competent leader needs clarity, confidence and courage (the right mindset). A leader should have the capacity to communicate and collaborate with team members (the ability). And finally a leader must have credibility, good character and the ability to connect with others (the influence).

At Lotus Leadership, our experienced coaches and trainers offer 9 leadership solutions (based on the I A M leadership pillars and the 9 competencies (our 9Cs mentioned above.)

- Influence is all about bringing out the best in others through Authentic Leadership, Emotional Intelligence and Performance Management

- Ability is all about having the skills to do the job: Effective Communication, Decision Making and Productive Habits

- Mindset is all about how to think like a leader: strengthening one’s Personal Brand, Inner Resilience and Self Confidence

During this time of crisis, businesses are understandably asking their workforce to collectively “step up” as leaders.  That might mean staying connected while working from home, collaborating with colleagues when dealing with new challenges or showing courage to take on more responsibility during uncertain times. Most industries are still in survival mode, trying to work out how to navigate the choppy economic waters we currently find ourselves in. However, in the long term, we need to do more than just survive - we need thrive.

We are here to help.

Just as the lotus submerges itself into murky water at night but miraculously rises up and brightly blossoms the next morning, our coaches can help your employees rise up through their own “murky water” so that they are able to show up in their respective roles, ready to flourish.

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